

Give thanks…for the fleas!

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV It’s Thanksgiving!  I came upon a blog post from James Emery White, originally written in 2017 and titled “Thankful for the Fleas,” which I thought appropriate, particularly for this Thanksgiving holiday:  The barracks where Corrie ten Boom and her sister, Betsy, were kept in the Nazi concentration [...]

November 24, 2021|

Cabin in the Woods

By Aaron Adams Have you ever thought about what it would be like to find a small cabin in the woods, with a beautiful setting, perhaps with a warm wood-burning fireplace, and it was far removed from the hustle and bustle of people? Doesn’t that sound nice? If your answer is yes, well, you’re like me! But, here’s the thing, I’m not just talking about [...]

November 18, 2021|

So, what ya reading?

Remember the phrase “Garbage in, garbage out”? What you put into your body has a consequence. Eat healthily, and you will be healthy. Eat unhealthily, and you will be unhealthy. This applies to our inner world, too, our minds, our hearts, our emotions. So it is crucial to pay attention to what you are watching, reading, and listening to. If it is garbage - lies, [...]

November 11, 2021|

The Mission and the Power of the Unstoppable Church

By Tim Peace In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking [...]

November 4, 2021|

How To Be Intentional Amid Chaos

If I were to poll people about which holiday is their favorite, I suspect that most would answer Thanksgiving or Christmas. Both of these holidays have a season that leads up to them. Thanksgiving’s season is full of trips to the pumpkin patch, apple picking, cider, maybe even a little bit, or a lot of pumpkin spice everything. Thanksgiving lends itself to time with extended [...]

October 28, 2021|