

Laser Focused….

By Lisa Davis Laser Focused If you’ve read a blog from me before, no doubt that you’ve heard the term ‘the church of 2050’. It’s my passion. It’s my prayer. It’s my focus. Every other month, Kailey Bacon and I host our MC Kids leaders for something called “Family Dinner”. While dinner is most definitely consumed, we also talk about what’s happening in our ministry. [...]

October 12, 2023|

November Elections Are Coming….

By Didi Bacon November elections are coming… A number of years ago I was invited to be part of a minister’s retreat hosted by Bob Russell Ministries.  Bob had recently retired from a 40-year ministry as the Senior Minister of the South East Christian Church. God grew that church into the thousands. That retreat was a blessing to me, a young and green Senior Minister. [...]

October 5, 2023|

Let’s Talk About Faith

By Didi Bacon Let’s talk about faith… What does it mean to have faith in God? “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) Faith is confidence that God is real even though you cannot see him. It is trusting that God has spoken, and what he has communicated is recorded for us [...]

September 21, 2023|

Fall into Student Ministry Fun!

Can you smell it?!? Fall is in the air! If you are like me, you are a huge fan of the fall season. I was looking on my phone everyday this past month waiting to see the temperature outside drop from 90 degrees to 75 degrees. There is nothing better than long sleeves and jeans weather. And if you are like my wife, you were [...]

September 14, 2023|

Help Build Hope

By Aaron Adams  What does it mean to help build hope? When you think about it, you can help build hope in a variety of different ways. You can build hope by encouraging someone. You can build hope by being present for someone in their time of need. You can build hope by being generous with finances, time, words, and abilities. During our mission trip [...]

September 7, 2023|

Follow the Leader…

By Didi Bacon I hate feeling trapped. To be stuck in the same place. Paralysis by analysis is something I cannot stand. It makes me really grumpy when I get held back from moving forward. When I was in elementary school we used to play a game called “Pile On.”  This was a game of catching someone unaware on the ground and shouting to all [...]

August 31, 2023|