Did you know?
Did you know that it’s been over a decade and a half since Mount Carmel started going on disaster relief mission trips? It all started way back somewhere in the years of 2008-2009 when the Mount Carmel Student Ministry accompanied by a group of adults went down to New Orleans, Louisiana to continue relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina devastated the area for many years after. [...]
Men’s Ministry
What is Men’s Ministry? How would you define it? The answer might seem complicated at first. But I don’t think the answer should be as complicated as we often make it. Men’s Ministry, at least at Mount Carmel, is a group of Mount Carmel men that come together to grow in relationship, to challenge one another, to encourage, and to learn. The truth is that [...]
Summer Discipleship At Mount Carmel | Kids and Students
Summer Discipleship in Mount Carmel Kids By: Lisa Davis As I write this blog, my heart is full. No, that’s not really it. I think the state of my heart is actually overflowing. It’s overflowing with thankfulness. Vacation Bible School has always been a highlight of summer for me; both as a child and then years of leading. There is just something so special about [...]
The Word Of God
By Didi Bacon All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) I believe these words. The Bible (Scripture) comes from God (God-breathed) and when applied to life, results in living right for God. Scripture has what we need in order to [...]
Praying For Uvalde
We look on with sadness at the tragedy of the shooting in Uvalde. I fully believe that our calling at this time is to fall to our knees in prayer because prayer has power. Those of us who are parents cringe at even looking at the news after things like this happen. It makes us hold our children tighter and shed tears for those lost. [...]
Co-workers for Christ
I am particular about words. Words mean something. Be accurate with your words in order to be precise in what you mean. Here are words that I wish we didn’t use - church attender. What do we mean by church attender? We mean someone who attends a church service. A person who drives to a place called “church” and sits in a seat and [...]