Midweek Men’s Breakfast
Panera Bread EastgateJoin the men of Mount Carmel in doing a once-monthly breakfast! No need to register, just come and grab some coffee or breakfast and [...]
Join the men of Mount Carmel in doing a once-monthly breakfast! No need to register, just come and grab some coffee or breakfast and [...]
Join other Mount Carmel men for food and time to get to know each other. Come learn what‘s coming in the year ahead! Register [...]
Progress never comes easily! If you want to see improvement and concrete results in anything you do, you will need to embrace discomfort. Yet [...]
Join us for a peaceful 3-mile hike, an easy trek that we anticipate will take about an hour. However, we're keen on making the [...]
THE BOOK OF GALATIANS with Kyle Idleman - Kyle dives into the book of Galatians, one that contains some of the clearest explanations of [...]
The men’s Monday night golf league is back! Inviting both new and returning golfers (the first 24 to sign up). The league will begin [...]
Join us for a peaceful 3-mile hike, an easy trek that we anticipate will take about an hour. However, we're keen on making the [...]
All men are invited to Board games and pizza from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday, June 6, at Jeff Rheude's home. We'll provide some [...]
Mount Carmel Men, the owner of the Moler Raceway Park, has generously shared 30 tickets with us to head to the dirt track for [...]
We're launching a board game group! All men are invited for Board games and snacks. Join us at the Mount Carmel Student Center (2nd [...]
Being a dad is tiring! But it's one of the most important jobs that we'll ever have. Not only being a dad tiring, but [...]
Author Vince Miller provides a simple understanding of five core spiritual disciplines that will ignite a lifelong journey of spiritual development. Leave the ranks [...]
Calling all outdoor enthusiasts! Join us for the Men's Campout at Caesar Creek State Park from Friday, October 4 at 6:00 PM to Sunday, October [...]
Men - Join us for a 5-week discussion of "9 Attributes of a Man" with Vince Miller. February 5-March 5, Wednesdays 6:00-7:30pm at the [...]
We're launching a board game group! All men are invited for Board games and snacks. Join us at the Mount Carmel Student Center (2nd [...]
All men are welcome at our monthly Men’s Hikes on the third Saturday of every month, 8:00 am-10:00 am, March through October. Get to [...]
All men are invited to board games and snacks. 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Mount Carmel room 123, just off the lobby. Current popular games [...]