Monday Night Men’s Golf League

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Event Series Event Series: Monday Night Men’s Golf League

Course: Legendary Run

Date: Starts April 18th and runs 16 weeks (will not play on Memorial Day or 4th of July)

Cost: the course requires everyone to join their Practice, Eat, Play $59 monthly membership which covers unlimited range balls, half price food, play for only a cart fee. Golfers would then pay $12 each Monday night (this all equals out to comparable rates done differently at other courses). Each golfer can just sign up at the course for the membership (which can be terminated immediately after the league ends, meaning we each would carry this membership for about 4 and a half months). The good news here is everything gets paid directly to the course by each golfer.
End of Season dinner/prize celebration: this would be cost due at registration of $80 ($5 per week for 16 weeks). This is everyone throwing $ in the pot for the end of season celebration.

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