

CIY Move Recap

By: David Rimarski Click to watch a quick recap When was the last time you felt rested? This was one of the first questions asked to the students and leaders at this year’s CIY MOVE event. If you have never heard of CIY, it is an organization that puts on multiple events for preteen, middle school, and high school students. In June, we attended the [...]

July 4, 2024|

The Impact Of Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace, our ministry to single pregnant women, is a beacon of hope that bridges the gap by easing the fear and uncertainty of an unplanned pregnancy. It connects these women to a support system that helps them be brave. The brave mamas who join us become part of a spiritual family within the church, receiving practical, spiritual, and emotional help that transforms [...]

June 27, 2024|

We Could Not Do This Without You

By: Didi Bacon The work of ministry can be overwhelming. I believe that it has always been that way, even for Jesus. In Matthew, chapter 9, we are told: “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because [...]

June 20, 2024|

Seniors Who Are Truly Family

By: Karen Thomas When I was first asked to write a few paragraphs about Spiritual Links, two things came to mind: 1. Sister Sledge’s song “We Are Family” 2. Psalms 92:14 NIV – “They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green” The image of old age just a few years ago was Grandma and Grandpa sitting in rocking chairs [...]

June 13, 2024|

Vacation Bible School Hometown Nazareth = Opportunity

By: Lisa Davis  Vacation Bible School has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. A week of the summer that always felt like a little slice of heaven to me as a child. Going to church every evening? Playing games? Bible? Red Kool-Aid and homemade cookies? You betcha! I loved every minute. As an adult, I realize the hours of [...]

June 6, 2024|

Take Heart

By: Didi Bacon Our message series for the summer is going to be a journey through the book of Revelation. When I tell people that, their reaction has been mixed. Some are excited. They see the way the world is right now and believe that the messages of Revelation are more pertinent than ever. Others give me that look that says,“Are you sure? That is [...]

May 30, 2024|