

Before You Move On To The Next Play…

August 1 is this coming Sunday. And, I have to admit, I’m enjoying this moment in Cincinnati sports. As of writing this blog, the Reds are still relevant at this point in the season despite a roller-coaster season primarily due to ownership that didn’t want to spend a little extra money on a couple of pitchers and a shortstop. I mean, who am I to [...]

July 29, 2021|

What counts is new creation

By: Didi Bacon The apostle Paul ends his letter to the Christians in Galatia with these emphatic words: Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. - Galatians 6:15 NIV What had happened to these Galatian Christians is that their faith in Jesus had been shaken. Men from the “big church” in Jerusalem had come to them saying that faith in [...]

July 22, 2021|


By: Aaron Adams Relationships, at least good, authentic, genuine relationships, will teach us a few things. One of those things: It’s that it’s not all about me! Good friendships, good dating relationships, good marriages, they all take sacrifice and a lot of it! If we want our relationships to succeed, to be the most beneficial and fruitful they can be, we MUST sacrifice for the [...]

July 15, 2021|

On Commitment.

By Tim Peace Angie and I got hitched fifteen years ago, on July 7, 2006. Today (at the time of writing this) is our anniversary. It’s got me pondering commitment a bit. In fact, we’ve been married for fifteen years, but we became an “item” in March of 2001, so, if my Bible college math is correct, twenty years. It feels like yesterday, but my [...]

July 8, 2021|

Sharing this from a friend…

My family likes to share. We like to share podcasts, articles, funny memes, and pictures. We have a family GroupMe that is constantly being updated. So in the same vein, I would like to take this opportunity to share a couple of things with you (my church family) that come from two guys named Bob! The first is a post from Bob Russell regarding the [...]

July 1, 2021|

Love is Limitation

In the Genesis story, we are told that God made Adam and Eve and placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden. Their God-given calling was to manage that garden for God to learn how to manage the whole of creation. God gave them access to various fruits and plants to eat, except one. They were not to eat the fruit of the tree of [...]

June 24, 2021|