

One who honors God.

In writing to the church in the town of Philippi, the Apostle Paul told them of his plan to send his associate Timothy to check in with them and minister to them on Paul’s behalf. Paul writes these words regarding Timothy: “I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you. [...]

February 17, 2022|

Exciting Things Coming To Mount Carmel Kids

I’ve been reading a book that has rocked my world. And yes, it’s about ministry and about children, two things I’m passionate about. The book is titled, Resilient by Valerie Bell. I learned of this book at a discipleship conference that several of our staff attended in November of 2021. I want to share with you two of the concepts I’m reading about that have [...]

February 10, 2022|

Vision For Student Ministry 2022: Building Bridges

By David Rimarski Do you want to know something that blows my mind when I think about it? It has only been four months!! Yeah, let that sink in. I have been the student minister at Mount Carmel for four months. In that time, I have gotten to know the staff, I have built relations with the students and volunteers, I have learned most of [...]

February 3, 2022|


In Bible college, I had to study Koine Greek. Koine means common. Common Greek is what the writers of the New Testament used to write what we call the Gospels, the History, and the Letters of the New Testament. In my study, there were words that I just fell in love with. The word for “Splachna” means guts or stomach. It is used mainly figuratively [...]

January 27, 2022|

Why We Do Worship.

I have a question for you: Why do you attend Sunday worship? Many people come because they love to hear solid preaching. Others might attend because they are inspired by the worship music. Still, others might like seeing their family and friends. So that moment of fellowship with longtime companions, along with meeting new faces, just gives you a huge boost to start your week. [...]

January 20, 2022|

Build Ministry Vision 2022

I don’t know about you, but it just feels kind of hard right now, doesn’t it? Life seems complicated at the moment. Right now feels like a time of collective heaviness. Perhaps the weather plays a contributing factor too. It gets dark earlier in the day. We have more cold and gloomy days than we have warm and sunny. Plus, we’re still in a global [...]

January 13, 2022|