

God is at Work Through Mount Carmel Christian Church!

By Didi Bacon God is at Work Through Mount Carmel Christian Church! “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who [...]

December 7, 2023|

Christmas Happenings for Mount Carmel Kids

By Lisa Davis Christmas Happenings for Mount Carmel Kids Our MC Kids ‘halls’ are officially decorated so that means that Christmas is right around the corner!  I want to make mention of several things on our calendar that you don’t want to miss: December Discipleship Calendars will be handed out this weekend to help our parents to spiritually nurture their children at home. It can [...]

November 30, 2023|

Annual Meeting & Year End Giving

By Jeff Perrine Annual Meeting and Year End Giving! Mount Carmel’s 2023 annual meeting is on December 17th after each service. This meeting is a time in which Didi capstones our year and casts vision for the upcoming year. If you are member of Mount Carmel, meaning you have attended our membership class and affirmed our membership covenant, you have the opportunity to affirm elders [...]

November 22, 2023|

Very Good…

By Didi Bacon Very good… Today I received an email forward from my wife which simply said, “Very good…”  It contained a link to the November 12 BLOG post by Bob Russell entitled, Why Doesn’t God Explain Himself?  Shannon was right (as always), it is very good. A very good reminder about the nature of living by faith in a fallen world. So for this [...]

November 16, 2023|

The Holiday Season at Mount Carmel

By Jeff Perrine The Holiday Season at Mount Carmel; celebrating the warmth of both Thanksgiving and Christmas With fall just beginning to let us know that it has arrived, it’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is arriving in just 2 weeks. The summer flew by, and now it’s time to be thinking and planning for events this holiday season. At Mount Carmel, we have multiple [...]

November 9, 2023|

Let Us Be Awake & Sober

By Didi Bacon Let us be awake and sober… A couple of days ago I was leaving the office, and I noticed a man sitting in his car in our church parking lot. His head was bowed, his eyes were closed, he had a deep frown on his forehead. I wasn’t sure what he was doing. I was concerned that perhaps he was in some [...]

October 26, 2023|