By Aaron Adams

To my wife and my immediate family, I’ve become known as the “researcher.” Here’s what I mean. Many times, before I buy a product, or before I hire a company, I like to do some background research. Yes, knowing the pros and cons is helpful, but more than anything I like to be well informed and know what I’m getting into. In all reality, I want to know what to expect. It’s important to me that I make informed decisions. I get quite anxious when I make “big” purchases or hire a company and I haven’t done my “due diligence” in research.

Being a part of a church is A LOT different than buying a product or hiring a company. It’s very different, in fact. Yet, being a part of a church takes commitment and it’s a relationship. A healthy church thrives when its members are committed to the relationship and are working towards common goals. For us at Mount Carmel, we strive for our goals to be biblically driven. What does God call us to in scripture? What does scripture outline for the local church? How can we fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 which says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Being a part of a local church is a big decision. For me, it’s one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made in life. Mount Carmel can easily be considered a “large & growing” church. But it’s our goal that every single individual and family that steps through our doors on Sunday mornings and throughout the week is welcomed and has the opportunity to be known and to know us. So, who are we, the church at Mount Carmel?

We have two opportunities that happen on a regular basis that will help us get to know you and for you to get to know us.

  1. Meet Mount Carmel meets once a month on a Sunday morning at the beginning of the 11:00 AM service. If you are “newer” to Mount Carmel and you aren’t quite sure who we are and what our ministry is about, Meet Mount Carmel would be a great option for you. You’ll get to learn about who we are, our staff members, our different ministry opportunities and so forth. We affectionately call it the “first date.” Our next Meet Mount Carmel is Sunday, August 20th.
  1. Join Mount Carmel often meets on the last Thursday evening of the month. At Join Mount Carmel, we’ll dive into what we believe at Mount Carmel. We’ll talk about our doctrinal beliefs and our core values. It’ll be a time where you can ask questions and see what it really looks like to be a part of the church at Mount Carmel. Our next Join Mount Carmel will be Thursday, August 31st at 6:00 PM.

We’d love to see you register for either Meet  or Join Mount Carmel.

God Bless,

Aaron Adams