By Rick Anderson

For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”   Matthew 18:20

We were never intended to be alone. Isolation is difficult and unhealthy as we all thrive in community. I can remember when I was young and I was involved in athletics I always enjoyed being a part of a team. As teammates, we realized that we performed best when we worked together. It never worked well when one of us tried to handle things solely on our own. Life is like that as well. We work better when we work as a team. Through our struggles, through our challenges, through our joys, and through our sorrows, we need community. This fall, we will have many groups available for you to be a part of. There is something about the support of one another that is beneficial to us all. As the “body of Christ,” we are meant to work with each other. So many times, we find that just by what we’ve been through in life, we can encourage someone who may be experiencing a similar situation in their life. Don’t underestimate your ability to encourage and support someone else. In Scripture, we are told to bear one another’s burdens, to help them through their struggles. (Gal. 6:2) In support groups, we have the opportunity to do just that. Our church offers various groups that are available to you. We’ve always heard that you can learn more about somebody when you walk in their shoes. Sometimes they can learn something by walking in yours. Be open. Be prepared to share tears and laughter when you come be a part of a group. Others need you, and you need them.

We have all suffered loss in our lives. But it is important to remember that you are not alone. One group we have beginning in September is for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It is called GriefShare. If you find yourself or know of someone else who is in the situation of grieving the loss of someone, the GriefShare group would be a place of healing and support. Click here to find out more:

No matter what you are going through, many of us have been there before. Each of us needs to understand the importance of being there for one another. God created us for community and to be a part of His Body. We each need to make ourselves available to love and support others, as well as be open to receiving love and support from them. We are all on this journey together.

God Bless.

In His Love,


Various groups are available to you. Click on one of these links to find out more about what is available and sign up.