It all began one icy Sunday morning in 1968. The temperature dropped to -13° F. Six families, living on Beechmont Drive, attending the Columbia Church of Christ, could not get their cars to start. That day they met for church in one of their homes. It was then they realized they wanted a church that was closer to home.
In July 1968, sixty people left Columbia and started a new congregation. The church met for worship at the Glen Este Middle School. During the summer, families hosted Vacation Bible School in their homes.

The first name of our church was “Clough Heights Church of Christ.” The families had hoped to purchase land on Clough Pike, however those plans fell through.
Land became available through the sale of the old Behymer Farm. The church purchased five acres on Mt. Carmel Tobasco Road in 1970. Worship was held in the old farmhouse located on the property and the church name was changed to “Mt. Carmel Church of Christ.” In 1973, the first church building was built.

Growth continued and in 1988 a larger worship facility was built. The building was expanded again in 1999 and in 2003. In 2002, the church changed its name to “Mount Carmel Christian Church.”

In 2008, the church purchased 19.2 acres on Bach Buxton Road for future expansion. Development began on a new building in the late spring of 2014 and on January 11, 2015, the first worship service was held at the new Bach Buxton Road location.