

From Classroom to Community

By: David Rimarski Class is in session! School is in full swing, and our students are hopping on buses, answering roll call, logging in to their computers, and studying for upcoming tests. While school can offer a lot of opportunities for students to be a part of a group, so many of our students are having trouble finding a place where they belong. During our [...]

August 29, 2024|

Why I Love Small Groups

By: Rick Lowry I believe that God created everyone one of us with something I like to call a “Community Gene.”  If you think about it, all of us are in community, in groups, every day: your staff team at work, the non-profit board you serve on, the Thursday night Bunko ladies, the guys you watch the Bengals with – all of those are small [...]

August 22, 2024|

Get To Know Mas Que Creyentes (More Than Believers)

By: Eddie Morales  The mission’s team is very excited to let our church family know about an overseas short-term mission trip to the Dominican Republic that is being planned for early July, 2025! In November of 2022, several of us from our Mount Carmel Missions team had the opportunity to attend ICOM (International Conference on Missions) in Columbus. While there, we ran into Michell Marte [...]

August 15, 2024|

Ignite the Norse Launches At NKU

By: Josiah Allcorn (Executive Director) Northern Kentucky University is home to over 16,000 students amongst its various majors, only 1.3% of which are consistently engaged with the Gospel—that is less than 200 students in total! To some, this may come as a surprise; to others, this may put numbers to a reality already observed and felt. Whichever is accurate, the dilemma is the same: the [...]

August 8, 2024|

Wait On The Lord

By: Didi Bacon I came across this post in “Today’s Devotional: No Rush”, written by the Editor, in Relevant Magazine, August 23, 2021. It is a message I needed to hear, I think it may be something you need to hear too: “I’m in the express-lane at Walmart. I have two items, and I’m in a hurry. That makes no difference in my situation unfortunately. [...]

August 1, 2024|

Woodland Lakes Camp: An Unforgettable Week for 4th-6th Graders

Last week, we had the privilege of attending Woodland Lakes Christian Camp with our  4th-6th graders and many others from area churches for a total of 133 campers. Mount Carmel sent 27 adult faculty members to help staff the week.  It was a truly unforgettable experience. An amazing God moment of the week was seeing 14 kids express their desire to get baptized. Out of [...]

July 18, 2024|