Peace of Mind
By Sandy Morgenthal Peace of mind; what is that? Is it some unattainable pursuit? Is it like happiness; here today, and gone tomorrow? Is it even something we can achieve on our own? We certainly all long for it. It's what some think will come if they can just get rich enough, thin enough, smart enough, pretty/handsome enough, or loved enough. If only it were [...]
The Impact Of Embrace Grace
By Kari Kuczynski and Leslie Barton We first heard about Embrace Grace in April 2022 at a Women’s Conference at Mt. Carmel. Then we heard about it again a couple of weeks later while attending the movie “Unplanned.” The concept of providing a faith-based support group for single pregnant women resonated with us since we both volunteer at A Caring Place. We both thought God [...]
Strength Under Control
By Sandy Morgenthal I read this in my Sixty Days of Prayer devotional by Sabra: “Gentleness is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength under control.” The world suggests strength as a physical/mental quality that gives a person power; a power that always makes winning its goal. We all know someone who believes this is the meaning of strength and courage. There [...]
Discovering Your People In Groups
Discovering your people at Mount Carmel can look different for everyone. You may find your people by serving, you may find your people in the foyer after service, or you may find your people in a group. One thing is for sure: finding your people is IMPORTANT. One of our favorite ways of helping you discover your people is through Groups. Hundreds of people have [...]
Loving Thy Neighbor, One Friend at a Time
By: Ruehlman Family Giving Tree 2024 Recap The Giving Tree is an annual outreach to our neighbors who need assistance during the holiday season. It gives us the chance to see old friends, assist new, or offer a hand to someone we didn’t even know needs it. This year the Giving Tree helped approximately 300 children have a brighter Christmas. Whether it be through buying [...]
The January Blues
By: Sandy Morgenthal Christmas is such a happy time of year. Homes are bright with all the holiday lights and decorations. People are so cheerful with all the gatherings and festivities. All seem so glad, buying and giving all the gifts to those they love. Then comes January, and all the color seems gone. Winter sets in; it's dark and dreary outside, and sometimes inside. [...]