Loving Thy Neighbor, One Friend at a Time
By: Ruehlman Family Giving Tree 2024 Recap The Giving Tree is an annual outreach to our neighbors who need assistance during the holiday season. It gives us the chance to see old friends, assist new, or offer a hand to someone we didn’t even know needs it. This year the Giving Tree helped approximately 300 children have a brighter Christmas. Whether it be through buying [...]
The January Blues
By: Sandy Morgenthal Christmas is such a happy time of year. Homes are bright with all the holiday lights and decorations. People are so cheerful with all the gatherings and festivities. All seem so glad, buying and giving all the gifts to those they love. Then comes January, and all the color seems gone. Winter sets in; it's dark and dreary outside, and sometimes inside. [...]
Stories Of Impact | A Friend Baptism Story
By Kloe Cartwright Ambry and I became friends in 6th grade. She was so kind and believed in God but still had some doubts. I believed in God too and, at the time, also had some doubts. This is how we connected, and we helped each other grow. My relationship with God really grew, so I decided to invite Ambry to church. She started coming [...]
Stories of Impact | Finding Our People
By Lindsey Ackerman A year ago, our family walked into Mount Carmel Christian Church carrying hurt from a previous church situation. We have lived in Cincinnati for 6 years and, at the time, had no local family. We felt extremely isolated and alone, but we knew God had a plan for our family. So we kept showing up each Sunday, praying God would make it [...]
Stories of Impact | A Family Baptism Story
By Erica Weidner On October 20, 2024, I had the honor of baptizing my sister (Megan Hanna) and my daughter (Eila Weidner). My sister and I lost our mom at a young age and didn’t know how to handle the huge void in our lives. Fast forward to 2017, when I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. I was a new mom, and I knew [...]
A Story Of North Carolina Impact
By Tracy Gordon On September 29th, my husband and I sat on our couch after getting the kids to bed. I was reading messages from my friend who was begging for help in our 'Signal' message group of Army wives. A small group of us have been friends and have stayed in touch for the last 5 years. Hurricane Helene significantly impacted her and her [...]