By: Lisa Davis

There’s always a tension in Family Ministry between events that are just for fun and events that focus on discipleship. At Mount Carmel, we want both! Hence, the concept of our Best Night Ever events was created! In April, we had our “BNE, 7th Inning Stretch” which was a baseball themed discipleship event. Our next Best Night Ever is a tailgate party! On September 29th, our parking lot will be alive with drums, pom poms, tailgate food and pre-game huddles!

You’re invited to dress your family in their team colors:

  • Preschoolers – Team White
  • Elementary students – Team Black
  • MS+HS students – Team Orange
  • Parents – a combo of all three

Plan to join us as a few of our Mount Carmel dads share from their personal point of view what discipleship looks like in all ages of discipleship. We’ll talk about the importance of Discipleship Habit Stacking and will resource you to execute that playbook at home! Make the name of Jesus normal; not just for Sundays! We want our families to know that we’re all in this together and there is power in community.

Kids and students will also be looking at what a personal quiet time looks like at their age level. They’ll have hands-on learning in their locker rooms during the pre-game huddle.
Everyone’s favorite part of the Best Night Ever is worshipping shoulder-to-shoulder with parents and kids! Joe Hubbell and his team are getting ready to worship!

Did I mention the giveaway prize yet? We’ll have a basket that includes an autographed football by Bengals kicker, Evan McPherson. Evan has been vocal about his personal relationship with Jesus and we love that! Someone is going home with an awesome gift!

We’ll then move outdoors for the tailgate party which includes awesome food and tailgate themed games for the whole family! If this sounds like fun, but you don’t have kids at home, we need volunteers! You’re needed to welcome guests as cheerleaders, serve food, and help with our pre-game huddles in student locker rooms. Go ahead and register as a volunteer instead of attendee. We can’t wait to have you join us! Make sure to get your family registered for the Best Night Ever!

Register here: