By: Natalie Martinez

When I first came to Mount Carmel it was easy to feel disconnected. I had gone to a small church my whole life and I wasn’t used to the size and bustle of a church like this one. I’ll let you in on a little secret though: although Mount Carmel may feel big, there is always room for more to join this church family.  And, finding connection here is not as hard to find as you might think, because of the one thing we all have in common: “Loving God and loving people.”

One group who has connected around loving God and His people is the Mount Carmel Young Adult Group. This group is full of fun, laughter, and a desire to deepen our relationship with God and other faith-seeking individuals ages 18+. The group is comprised of young adults ranging from those fresh out of high school to young couples who are just starting to grow their families.

The nice thing about this group is that we have opportunities for both deepening our faith and engaging in community. We meet to study the word regularly during the school year and we have “connection” events all throughout the year.

Beginning September 5th, we will be starting up our weekly Young Adults Bible Study held on Thursdays from 7-9 pm in the Student Center. We take time to fellowship and eat before diving into a study and discussion around selected books of the Bible. This upcoming fall study will be comprised of three mini-series, each lasting 4 weeks, led by three different individuals to provide unique perspectives.

Social events for the rest of the year include:

  • A visit to a local Pumpkin patch on October 20th. This will be a day for hay rides, corn mazes, and it is always a lot of fun!
  • Young Adults Friendsgiving is the evening of November 9th.This is one of our biggest events of the year, where we gather together in the church lobby to share great food and play games to kick off the holiday season and celebrate friends, old and new.
  • We will finish off the year with a trip to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden’s Festival of Lights December 5th, and a Young Adults Christmas party on December 19th.
Anyone between the ages of 18-30 is invited to all Bible Studies and events! I understand that joining a new group might seem scary, but trust me when I say it is so worth it to step outside of your comfort zone. The relationships formed in groups like this are a God-given treasure that push us stay accountable, encourage us to stay faithful, and help us understand what it means to truly be the body of Christ.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me (Natalie Martinez) or Aaron Thatcher! We hope to see you there!