By: Eddie Morales 

The mission’s team is very excited to let our church family know about an overseas short-term mission trip to the Dominican Republic that is being planned for early July, 2025!

In November of 2022, several of us from our Mount Carmel Missions team had the opportunity to attend ICOM (International Conference on Missions) in Columbus. While there, we ran into Michell Marte from the Dominican Republic. Michell is the founder of Mas Que Creyentes, which means, when translated, More Than Believers. I was able to re-connect with him after many years and hear about his ministry. Others from Mount Carmel, such as Didi Bacon, Kailey, and Andrew Bacon, have also been to the DR and served with Michell. I first met Michell almost 25 years ago while I was on a mission trip with Parkside Christian Church. It was a pleasure to get to know him and see his heart for the Lord as a young pastor at the time. Michell loves the Lord and has a gentle and humble spirit. He truly has a heart for the people of his country, and deeply desires that they come to know the Lord and love Jesus as much as he does. Michell has been able to establish an elementary school to serve his community, many of whom live in poverty. This school provides the children with a quality education and what, for many, may be their only meal of the day. Through providing for their physical needs, his ultimate goal is to reach the children and their parents for the Lord. He truly cares about leading the lost to the Lord and passionately pursues this endeavor.

On November 10, we will have the privilege of hosting Michell during our two services. I am excited for you to meet and hear him as he shares briefly what the Lord is doing in the town of Navarrete and surrounding areas through this ministry. I am hoping that you will plan to be a part of our services this November and help us welcome Michell to our church for the very first time.
We are in the early stages of planning this trip along with our partner, Michell. We are preparing to serve alongside and assist our brother Michell in any way possible. We are praying that God will prepare those whom He wishes to join us on this trip as we serve Him in the DR. We ask that you please join us in praying for this trip and that our team may be a blessing in proclaiming His name. This is a wonderful opportunity that God has placed before us, and we want to be willing servants to His calling. If you are interested in joining us, please join us on Sunday, August 18, at either of our 11:00 or 12:30 informational meetings. We will be sharing more about Mas Que Creyentes and tentative details about the trip.

Click here for more information about our host and Pastor of Mas Que Creyentes.