By: Aaron Adams & Tim Pride

Each year, when Tim Pride and I begin to think about, pray over, and start the initial planning conversations about our summer mission trip, I feel a bit overwhelmed. I’m overwhelmed because there is so much to “figure out.” Where are we going to go? What organizations are we going to partner with? How will the supplies be funded? Where will we stay? And…the list can go on and on. But then…I’m reminded.

I’m reminded that God is always in control, and he has always led us to where we’re supposed to serve, and to who we are supposed to serve with.

For the past two years, we have gone to assist in the rebuilding efforts after a devastating tornado that hit the Princeton, Kentucky, area on December 10th, 2021. We were blessed to partner with a great long-term relief organization and local churches, and we built some amazing relationships with the local residents. We contacted the same long-term relief organization about a possible year three if that’s what God would have in store for us. After the conversation, things were fortunately wrapping up (relief-wise) in the Princeton area, and they wouldn’t have enough projects for a team of our size and skill level. It was easy to begin to wonder where we would go this year. But then…I was reminded. When one door closes, God will open another door. 

See, the long-term relief organization that we had partnered with the last two years connected us with another long-term relief organization about an hour away from where we had served the previous two years, in Princeton, KY. Earlier this week, Tim Pride, Tim Stephens, and I took a trip down to Clarksville, Tennessee. On December 9th, 2023, an EF3 tornado swept through the Clarksville, Tennessee, community. This particular tornado left a path of destruction roughly 600 yards wide and just over 11 miles long. While much of the initial debris has been cleaned up, it won’t take you long to drive through the neighborhoods that were affected and see tarps on roofs, missing siding, broken windows, and, in some instances, vacant foundations. The moment I feel overwhelmed with questions, I’m reminded…God has a plan for our church and our team. 

This week, we got to survey the area, meet the long-term recovery organizations we’re going to partner with, and even tour the church that has opened its doors for our crew to sleep in and operate out of. This year, the “Blue Shirt People” will be traveling to Clarksville, Tennessee, to partner with the Clarksville Montgomery County Long Term Recovery Team. The moment where I’m overwhelmed by the task at hand, I’m then reminded…God knew where he would send us, and who we would work with, and where we would sleep and eat for the week. In fact, the long-term relief efforts are just now beginning to get underway. Mount Carmel will be one of, if not the VERY first, group to come and volunteer with the Clarksville Montgomery County Long Term Recovery Team.

I’m still being reminded that God knows the individuals and families we’ll get to meet, build relationships with, and work with during our trip. God has come through year after year. I’ve seen him do incredible things on these trips and through our teams. Mount Carmel, we need you! Our trip this year is July 21st-27th (Sunday -Saturday.) We need individuals of all skill levels. Whether you’re a construction-minded and skilled person or not, God will use you on this trip. If you’re unable to make the trip in person, we need you! We need your prayers. Your prayers and support for us, make such an impact! We’re excited because God is reminding us of what he will do. Registration is open, and we’d love for you to consider joining us. 

God Bless,

Aaron Adams & Tim Pride