By Lisa Davis

Christmas Happenings for Mount Carmel Kids

Our MC Kids ‘halls’ are officially decorated so that means that Christmas is right around the corner! 

I want to make mention of several things on our calendar that you don’t want to miss:

December Discipleship Calendars will be handed out this weekend to help our parents to spiritually nurture their children at home. It can be done in the regular rhythm of family life and can create a lasting impact when you take the time for it to become the ‘norm’!

 Advent Study Cards will be available each week in December for our entire congregation. Advent is observed by Christians all over the world and encourages participants to spend time in God’s Word, time in prayer and a call to action. Don’t forget to grab your family’s card this weekend as you leave Sunday morning worship. There’s a specific question section for kids that you don’t want to miss.

Our Kids Christmas Choir will be helping lead in our worship services on Sunday, December 10th. It’s such an encouragement for them to feel the love from our entire Mount Carmel Church family. Come enjoy the church of 2050 doing what they do best; worship!

Make sure your family is here on December 17th for Stellar Christmas! All of our MC Kids will engage in a special Sunday morning event just for them! It’s an interactive morning in our large group space for children to take the stage, worship and have a galactic morning together.

On a personal note, I want to encourage you to include a spiritual gift for your child this year. While Brian and I were raising our daughters, we always included a type of spiritual gift whether it was a devotional book, new Bible, prayer journal or new Christian artist to listen to. It helps to keep our eyes focused on the true meaning of the season.  I’d love to help you find resources if that’s something you’re interested in.

Wishing you a season of peace,
